An ultimate purpose is here to provide with an opportunity so as to enable get familiarized with the scientific programming, introducing the coding work for the large sparse matrix solution which plays a core role of the Reservoir Simulation Model widely utilized in the upstream oil and gas business. The modelling code with Modern Fortran is an actual model produced through my company career. Its code name is SmartMarix.
Further to the following NF and ILU, the CPR (Constrained Pressure Residual) preconditioner which is a two-stage preconditioner is well noted to be effective especially in the compositional model. The pressure equation is extracted from the implicit coefficient matrix in the CPR method. It is iteratively solved by means of an inexpensive preconditioner like the line Gauss-Seidel etc, ending up to solve the full coefficient matrix.
For the large sparse matrix solution, the preconditioning methods comprise of
- Nested Factorization (NF)
- Incomplete LU Factorization (ILU)
The iterative methods represent
- Flexible GMRES
While those methods are common at present, the special treatment related to the Adaptive Implicit Method is internally adopted.
時代錯誤とお思いになられる事でしょうが、「Front-end Computing with the Modern Fortran」を合言葉に長丁場のお付き合いの程、宜しくお願いします。