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Tag: 青大将

Studio Life〜The Stalker in the Attic

Studio Life〜The Stalker in the Attic

今春、屋根裏に上がったら巣のような奇妙な物を見つけた。何だろうと不思議に思っていた。7月に入ると屋根裏で引きずる音がして寝れない夜があった。そのうち猛暑が到来何時の間にか静かになった。一体何だったんだろうか?This spring, it is found that there is something strange like a nest in the attic. Wondering what it is. In July, there are some nights when I cannot sleep well due to nasty sounds like dragging something in the attic. Such a sound has gone since the heat wave attacks in a meantime. What the hell is going on there?