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Godzilla R32〜Inhouse Consult Scan Tool Wrap Up

Godzilla R32〜Inhouse Consult Scan Tool Wrap Up

サービスマニュアルを見ているとHicasのActive TestのDemonstrationに興味が惹かれる。後輪操舵角は高々最大1度であるが、直視できれば面白かろう。手動でのTest実施はBeautifulではないので、Consultを使ってActive Testを実行するが、Challengeの過程で思いもよらぬ展開に発展する事になろうとは。Browsing the service manual, I am very fascinated by a demonstration of Hicas Active Test. While the rear wheel steers at most 1 degree, it would be a great fun to observe it actually. Since the active test is not a beautiful manner to be conducted manually, I shall challenge it with Consult. The challenging efforts won’t be thought to lead to unexpected developments.