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Tag: 人工芝

Studio Life〜Reform for Expansion

Studio Life〜Reform for Expansion

ガレージ入口通路が狭い。圧迫感を感じる。パゴダ車庫入れの際、壁ニアミスを数度経験。運良く車体にダメージは無かったが何れ顕在化する危機感を抱いている。何れは通路を拡張したい思いは以前からあったのだが、喫緊の課題となったのだ。金はないが暇と体力は未だ保持しているので、通路拡張に向けたDIYリフォームを決断。さてどうなることやら?The garage corridor is narrow, which forces to feel oppressed. Near miss accidents on the wall occurred several times when parking Pagoda in the garage. Fortunately, there were no damages made on the car, but a sense of crisis which will become apparent eventually remains unchanged bearing on my mind. While I wish to expand the corridor some day, it is turned out to be an imminent issue. Although a money available is very limited, I have plenty of time…

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Studio Life〜The Playground

Studio Life〜The Playground

The Japanese-style room is dismantled to accommodate a passage corridor from the public road to the garage, where a gravel floor corridor is a matter of my concern. Every time I stumble with sands on my feet at waking up for the midnight care, I realize strongly that I have to do something to improve the situation in an earliest opportunity. The improvement work is interrupted because it is extremely cold in the winter time due to the tin-plated garage….

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