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Tag: 別当出合



真夏の山行は不完全燃焼に終わったものの仕切り直しの山行は躊躇していた。実は昨年末から急激な視力の減退に直面しているのだ。どうなるんだろうと不安に駆られつつも放ったらかしにしてきた。白馬村へのツーリングで標識も良く見えず危険な状況にある事を痛感、帰宅早々眼科へ駆け込む。While this midsummer mountaineering ends up to have not satisfied myself, a further mountaineering is reluctant to be conducted. Actually, although I am confronting with a drastic deterioration in my eyesight since the end of last year, I leave it alone while I am anxious about it. When touring over Hakuba, I cannot see the traffic signs well and I realize that I am in an extremely dangerous situation for the touring. I rush to an eye clinic as soon…

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Mercedes W113〜Homecoming

Mercedes W113〜Homecoming
