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JAT〜Mountaineering Year 2024

JAT〜Mountaineering Year 2024

後立山連峰鹿島槍ヶ岳の登頂はテント泊が余儀なくされるので断念していたものの矢張り諦めきれない。日課の早朝散歩は足掛け二年目に入り体調は万全なるも体力の低下は否めないので、急登の赤岩尾根ルートを諦めて見晴らしが良いと聞く柏原新道ルートからチャレンジすることにする。昨年の山行は雨と風に荒れたが、総距離約20km程だが今年の山行はどうなるのだろうか?Although I had given up a plan to climb Mt. Kashima-Yarigatake in the Ushiro-Tateyama Range because I would have to sleep overnight in a tent, I cannot give up. This is the second year of my daily early morning walk and I am in perfect physical condition. but I cannot deny that my stamina is decreasing. Therefore, I give up the steep Akaiwa Ridge route and decide to take the Kashiwabara Shinmichi route, which offers a good view of mountains….

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