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Tag: 閏月

Studio Life〜The Old Lunisolar Calendar

Studio Life〜The Old Lunisolar Calendar

立春を過ぎ春間近と思いきや、2月下旬に季節外れの雪の襲来を受けました。今年は昨冬に比べて足の凍傷にもならず温かい冬と思っていましたが、昨年末の大雪から始まり、大寒の第二波、今回春間近の第三波目と今冬は平年に比べて不順のようです。Just ahead of spring coming around corner, an unseasonable snow hits here late February. This winter is thought to be warmer than last winter due to having not suffering from frostbite on my foot. Beginning with a heavy snow fall at the end of last year, followed by the second wave on “Daikan”, and hit by this third wave near spring, this winter seems to be unseasonable.