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Mercedes W113~The MFI Backup System – Kickoff

Mercedes W113~The MFI Backup System – Kickoff

新企画の新春第一号をお届けします。昨年代替燃料ポンプシステムの構築を成功裏に終えた今、次のターゲットであるMechanical Fuel Injection System、所謂メカポン絡みの装置のレストア及びBackupシステムの構築に挑戦します。シリーズ展開を予定しており、初回の本号はMFIポンプに関わる基本的情報及びBackup System構築の為に数年掛けて入手したドナーポンプを紹介します。The first new year issue on a new challenge is released. Now that the successful establishment of the alternative fuel pump system is concluded last year, the next target is on the vigorous move, which is a challenge to restore as well as establish a backup system relevant to the mechanical fuel injection pump (MFI). While the restoration process would be addressed in series, The part one is to introduce the background information about the MFI…

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