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SMART〜The Well Model

SMART〜The Well Model

上流石油産業に於いて複雑で精微な坑井オペレーションが追求されたことを受けて、実態を正確に反映する坑井モデリングがリザーバーシミュレーションに不可欠な要素となった。しかしながら、従前の一般的な坑井モデルでは坑井内の多相流動モデルの再現性が限定的であった。これを受けて提唱された”Multi Segment Well Model (MSWell)”は現実的な坑井挙動に近づける坑井内に於ける物性の再現性の向上を図る技法であるものの、貯留層と強結合されるMSWell坑井モデルは多相流動方程式の同時解法の困難さを伴い実用的な技法であるとは言い難い。依って、Inhouse SMARTシミュレータにはMSWellモデルを導入していないものの、将来拡張を視野に多変数(3変数)を扱える坑井モデルを組み込んでいる。 Accurate well modeling becomes essential in the reservoir simulation because more complex well operations are employed in the petroleum industry. The prevailed standard well model is proved to be computationally efficient, while it lacks the ability to capture the multiphase flow details within the wellbore. MultiSegment well (MSWell) model is then proposed to approximate the actual physical shape of the well and perform accurate simulation within the wellbore. However, the increasing complexity of the…

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SMARTSOL〜The NF Preconditioning

SMARTSOL〜The NF Preconditioning

NF前処理編をお送りします。極く一般的なILU前処理に比べ格段に優れた発想とつくづく思う。俺的には最も気に入っている前処理法。考案者に乾杯です。This is the practical lecture course about the NF preconditioning method. A comparison with a very common ILU preconditioning would lead me to reassure the NF preconditioning extremely superior method. This is my favorite preconditioning. I wish to toast the the inventor for creating this superb factorization algorithm.

iSMART〜The Black Oil Reservoir Simulator

iSMART〜The Black Oil Reservoir Simulator

“SMART” is an inhouse three-dimensional, three-phase black oil reservoir simulator in the petroleum upstream industry, in which its function and capability are at minimum compatible with the industry standard simulator “ECLIPSE”. “iSMART” is the initially primitive version of “SMART”, which incorporates the essential functions with even limited, especially it features the adaptive implicit capability and the strongly coupled well model. For purpose of studying a general approaches of fundamental formulations of reservoir equations together with the strongly coupled well modeling,…

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