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Godzilla R32〜Inhouse Consult Scan Tool Wrap Up

Godzilla R32〜Inhouse Consult Scan Tool Wrap Up

サービスマニュアルを見ているとHicasのActive TestのDemonstrationに興味が惹かれる。後輪操舵角は高々最大1度であるが、直視できれば面白かろう。手動でのTest実施はBeautifulではないので、Consultを使ってActive Testを実行するが、Challengeの過程で思いもよらぬ展開に発展する事になろうとは。Browsing the service manual, I am very fascinated by a demonstration of Hicas Active Test. While the rear wheel steers at most 1 degree, it would be a great fun to observe it actually. Since the active test is not a beautiful manner to be conducted manually, I shall challenge it with Consult. The challenging efforts won’t be thought to lead to unexpected developments.

Godzilla R32〜Over The Top Part 1

Godzilla R32〜Over The Top Part 1

Arranged by the business partner at actively working in the company, I have a vivid memory of heading to Kassel from Frankfurt in the Autobahn at 250km/h by Mercedes S class. The German driver is used to driving as usual, but I am scared and almost lose myself. While my driving phobia never dreams to challenge more than 180km/h, let’s take on a challenge. 現役の頃、相手先のアレンジでフランクフルトからカッセル迄Sクラスでアウトバーンを時速250kmで移動した記憶は今でも生々しい。ドイツ人トライバーは慣れたもので何気なく運転していたが、こちらは怖くて落ち着かなくてどうしようもなかった。こんな速度恐怖症の俺が時速180km以上にチャレンジしたい気持ちになるとは驚きだ。さあチャレンジの開始です。

Godzilla R32〜Anatomische Tabellen Tier 1

Godzilla R32〜Anatomische Tabellen Tier 1

This would be the beginning of the post purchase inspection of 25-years-old Godzilla. I have no idea about what kind of maintenance was done in the past 25 years and the car inspection by the inherent knockoff car shop won’t be reliable. While Godzilla is believed to remain close as much as possible to the genuine specification, the pre purchase inspection was not carried out in details. Are there any apparently invisible modifications made as well as overlooked by the…

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