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Tag: Exhaust Pinhole

Pagoda 280SL~Crack on Exhaust

Pagoda 280SL~Crack on Exhaust

昨年の車検時マフラーの排ガス漏れを指摘され、パテで応急処置を施しそれで完治したと思っていた。眼が復活して久しぶりにドライブに出ると、微妙に排気音が異なる。エンジンの振動もあり何時もとの違和感を覚える。帰宅早々潜ってみると、パテが剥がれて排気が漏れている。パテ修理は気の利いたものでなく一時しのぎなことを改めて認識する。腰を据えて修理する必要がありそうだ。At the compulsory vehicle inspection last year, the gas leak from the exhaust pipe was pointed out. I thought that the leakage was completely secured by the first aid with putty. When my eyes revived and I went out for a drive in a while, I feel that the exhaust sound is slightly different as well as the vibration from the engine. I am uncomfortable for my Pagoda. As soon as back to the home, I find that the putty…

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