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Tag: FRP Adhesive

Godzilla R32〜Refreshing Aero Exterior

Godzilla R32〜Refreshing Aero Exterior

Consult Scan Tool作成中にサイドスポイラーに足をかけて脱落させてしまう。以前から集中すると見境がなくなってこういう失敗をよく起こす。尤も左側のサイドスポイラーが汚れていて何れ手を入れる必要性を認識していたのだが。空気が乾く秋は塗装の絶好の頃合い、気合を入れてメンテを始めよう。どんでん返しがあろうと思わず。レストアTier 3の始まりです。While concentrating on developing the Consult Scan Tool, my foot happens to hang on the side spoiler and make it fall off. Whenever I concentrate from before, I lose sight of myself and often make such mistakes. Since I am uncomfortable with the dirty left side, I am contemplating about maintenance on it. Autumn, in which the atmosphere is dry, is the suitable season for painting. I will commence maintenance of the spoiler. An unexpected final ending…

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