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Tag: Material Balance Error

SMART〜The Newton Convergence Criteria

SMART〜The Newton Convergence Criteria

SMARTシミュレータの重要論点について番外編Tipsとして数回に亘ってお届けしよう。第一弾のテーマはニュートン法の収束判定条件である。I wish to talk about some tips in light of the vital technical subjects in several occasions with regard to the SMART simulator. The first theme is the newton convergence criteria.

SMARTSOL〜The NF Preconditioning

SMARTSOL〜The NF Preconditioning

NF前処理編をお送りします。極く一般的なILU前処理に比べ格段に優れた発想とつくづく思う。俺的には最も気に入っている前処理法。考案者に乾杯です。This is the practical lecture course about the NF preconditioning method. A comparison with a very common ILU preconditioning would lead me to reassure the NF preconditioning extremely superior method. This is my favorite preconditioning. I wish to toast the the inventor for creating this superb factorization algorithm.