Studio Life~2022 New Year’s Eve
今年は3年振りに鎌倉の本宅でファミリー全員集合し総勢9人で年越しです。愚妻は食事の用意に忙殺され、愚娘息は悪ガキの面倒に掛りきりの一方、俺は何をしていいか分からず手持ち無沙汰でボーッとして回りからヒンシュクをかっています。大晦日恒例の今年の景勝地は観光客が戻ってきたスラムダンク踏切です。This year, for the first time in three years, the whole family get together at our home in Kamakura for the New Year’s Eve with nine people totally. The wife is busy preparing meals, the daughter and son are busy taking care of their kids. I am frowned by the family when I am bored out of my mind, not knowing what to do. The scenic spot for the New Year’s Eve is the Slam Dunk railroad crossing which is…