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Tag: 山代温泉



初夏、菖蒲が咲き誇る頃、郷の温泉街では無病息災を願って菖蒲湯まつりが開催されます。新型コロナの感染で中止となっていた郷の祭りが今年は開催の運びとなりました。俺にとっては実に45年振りの菖蒲湯まつりとなります。邪気を祓う菖蒲の香りが湯の町に広がり癒やされた気持ちになりますね。Early summer when the irises “Shobu” are in full bloom, the Shobu Yu festival is held in the “Yu No Machi” local hot spring town, wishing for good health and safety. The festival is vigorously conducted this year. It has been three years since it is concealed due to the pandemic. I am exciting about the festival for the first time in 45 years. The scent of irises exterminating evil spreads over the “Yu No Machi” and makes feel healed.

Studio Life~2020 New Year’s Eve

Studio Life~2020 New Year’s Eve

年末恒例のツーリングの行き先は市内唯一の景勝地加佐ノ岬です。風光明媚な所として有名ですが、日本海の荒波に洗われる冬の岬も一見の価値があります。北陸は年末になると天候不順がちで大晦日のツーリングには不向き故、お歳暮用加能ガニの買出しへ地元の漁港へ足をのばした折、ツーリングも兼ねることにします。では参りましょう!The destination of this year-end touring is Kasano Cape which is the only scenic spot in the city. It is famous for its scenic beauty, where the winter cape washed by the rough seas of the Sea of ​​Japan is worth while seeing as well. The weather at the Hokuriku district is likely unstable toward the end of the year and it won’t be suitable for touring on the New Year’s Eve. Therefore, I decide to go to a local…

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