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Tag: Matrix Solver

SMARTSOL〜The Strongly Coupled Well Model

SMARTSOL〜The Strongly Coupled Well Model

温暖な北陸の冬籠りを経て春を過ぎ初夏目前の梅雨入りのこの頃、半年以上に亘って追求してきたが、iSMARTに自動微分を組込むことが上手く行かず頓挫状態にある。只、その試行錯誤する合間、単変数坑井モデルのiSMARTに対して解析微分に基づくヤコビ行列を実装することになってしまったことは愛嬌か。本末転倒の取組みになってしまい本来の目的を達成することができなかったことで気分的にはスッキリしないが、結果オーライで良しとしよう。さて、残る”SMARTSOL”の重要論点である強結合坑井モデルの行列解法につき説明する。After a mild winter in Hokuriku, spring has passed quickly and the rainy season has just begun before summer, I am struggling to implement automatic differentiation in iSMART, although I have been working on it for more than half a year. I have not been able to figure out the fatal reason for the failure. During the trial and error period, however, I ended up incorporating the analytical Jacobian into the one-solution-variable well model in iSMART. It’s a charm, isn’t…

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SMARTSOL〜The AIM Matrix Solver

SMARTSOL〜The AIM Matrix Solver

“SMARTSOL”の重要論点の一つである順応陰解法(AIM)に関してシリーズでご紹介します。第一回目は行列解法に於けるAIM法の取り扱い方法について説明します。I would like to address about the Adaptive Implicit Method (AIM) in series, which is one of the main functions incorporated in SMARTSOL. In this first thread, we will discuss how to implement the AIM method in the matrix solver.

SMARTSOL〜Test Matrix

SMARTSOL〜Test Matrix

先般紹介した”SMARTSOL” Matrix Solverのコーディング編の開始です。Matrix Solverとは、油層内媒体を移動する流体の物質収支を偏微分方程式(Mass Conservation Equation)を線形化し得られる疎な係数行列をもつ連立一次方程式を解くサブルーチンでリザーバーシミュレーションモデルの中核である。当然座学に付きあって頂ける程興味津々なテーマでもないので、先ずは実際にその係数行列を構築して連立一次方程式の解法手順を外観しましょう。実学主体の方が理解しやすいかも。Let’s commence the practical coding for the ”SMARSOL” Matrix Solver introduced earlier. Matrix Solver is the subroutine librares that solve the simultaneous linear equations with a sparse incidence matrix incurred after linearizing the Mass Conservation Equations by the Newton-Rapson method which define the material balance of the fluid movement in the reservoir porous media. It forms the core of the reservoir simulation model. The subject matter is not so exciting enough to study through lectures….

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iSMART〜The Black Oil Reservoir Simulator

iSMART〜The Black Oil Reservoir Simulator

“SMART” is an inhouse three-dimensional, three-phase black oil reservoir simulator in the petroleum upstream industry, in which its function and capability are at minimum compatible with the industry standard simulator “ECLIPSE”. “iSMART” is the initially primitive version of “SMART”, which incorporates the essential functions with even limited, especially it features the adaptive implicit capability and the strongly coupled well model. For purpose of studying a general approaches of fundamental formulations of reservoir equations together with the strongly coupled well modeling,…

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