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Tag: ユーザー車検

Godzilla R32〜The first “User Shaken”

Godzilla R32〜The first “User Shaken”

ゴジラ初車検をパゴダで勝手知ったテスター屋さんのある福井陸運局で受検。楽勝と思いきや、思いもよらぬ不具合箇所の指摘を受けて再検査となるも、結果オーライでホッとする。初物の車検は何が起こるか予想もつかず気が滅入りますね。The Godzilla’s first compulsory vehicle inspection by the authority (“User Shaken”) is conducted at Fukui Land Transport Bureau, where the nearby tester shop is very helpful for the user shaken learnt from Pagoda. It would be thought to be an easy task, however, the aftermarket parts without getting official permission are unexpectedly pointed out to be installed. The re-examination is inevitable upon replacement by the genuine arms. While a final outcome should be all right anyway, it is nasty for…

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Godzilla R32〜Over the Top – Aside

Godzilla R32〜Over the Top – Aside

10年以上前、初のパゴダのユーザー車検の予備検査でスピードメーターが時速43kmと高めに表示された事で、ユーザー車検の速度検査でその正確な車速43kmに固執し過ぎて二度失敗し三回目に何とかパスした経緯がある。それ以来速度検査が最も苦手な項目である。しかし、昨年福井のテスター屋での貴重な情報を得て以来、苦手意識はなくなったような。スピードメーターの精度に関わるエピソードをご紹介しましょう。More than 10 years ago, I learn that the speedometer indicates as high as 43km/h in the preliminary car inspection ahead of my first “User Shaken” of Pagoda. I have a bitter experience that I fail twice and succeed finally at the third time in the speed inspection of the User Shaken” due to such an accurate speed, 43km in my mind. Since then, the speed inspection is my reluctant subject to conduct. Once I get valuable information at the…

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Mercedes W113〜”User Shaken” at Hokuriku

Mercedes W113〜”User Shaken” at Hokuriku

来年2月に5回目の車検更新の時期を向えるが、今冬北陸は大雪との予報の中、そんな環境下で車検を受けるのは御免だし雪道走行は旧車にも良くない。熟慮?の末、早目に北陸でユーザー車検を受検することに。その顛末をお届けしよう。Pagoda needs to update the fifth renewal of the compulsory vehicle inspection by the authority (“User Shaken”) next February. This winter the Hokuriku district is predicted likely to have a heavy snowfall. The inspection in such a heavy snowfall is not beautiful and the driving on snowy roads would have adverse effects on the old cars itself. After due consideration, therefore, it is decided that the inspection should be taken on an earlier opportunity anywhere at Hokuriku. This is an…

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