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Category: Pagoda 280SL

Mercedes W113~The MFI Backup System – Kickoff

Mercedes W113~The MFI Backup System – Kickoff

新企画の新春第一号をお届けします。昨年代替燃料ポンプシステムの構築を成功裏に終えた今、次のターゲットであるMechanical Fuel Injection System、所謂メカポン絡みの装置のレストア及びBackupシステムの構築に挑戦します。シリーズ展開を予定しており、初回の本号はMFIポンプに関わる基本的情報及びBackup System構築の為に数年掛けて入手したドナーポンプを紹介します。The first new year issue on a new challenge is released. Now that the successful establishment of the alternative fuel pump system is concluded last year, the next target is on the vigorous move, which is a challenge to restore as well as establish a backup system relevant to the mechanical fuel injection pump (MFI). While the restoration process would be addressed in series, The part one is to introduce the background information about the MFI…

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Studio Life~2020 New Year’s Eve

Studio Life~2020 New Year’s Eve

年末恒例のツーリングの行き先は市内唯一の景勝地加佐ノ岬です。風光明媚な所として有名ですが、日本海の荒波に洗われる冬の岬も一見の価値があります。北陸は年末になると天候不順がちで大晦日のツーリングには不向き故、お歳暮用加能ガニの買出しへ地元の漁港へ足をのばした折、ツーリングも兼ねることにします。では参りましょう!The destination of this year-end touring is Kasano Cape which is the only scenic spot in the city. It is famous for its scenic beauty, where the winter cape washed by the rough seas of the Sea of ​​Japan is worth while seeing as well. The weather at the Hokuriku district is likely unstable toward the end of the year and it won’t be suitable for touring on the New Year’s Eve. Therefore, I decide to go to a local…

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Studio Life〜Godzilla Has Come

Studio Life〜Godzilla Has Come

新たな旧車が仲間入りしました。クリスマスプレゼントではありませんよ。ゴジラと呼ばれ豪州でも人気の高い稀代の名車、日産GT-R R32です。全身エアロで固めたクリスタルホワイトの外装を纏い、低音の太いマフラー音を鳴り響かせながら走る様は、俺のような草臥れた年寄りよりも洒落たちょい悪オヤジ風かもしれませんね。旧車遍歴最終章ゴジラR32、お見知り置きを!A new comer among my vintage cars which is not a Xmas present to me has joined. It is the very famous domestic car, Godzilla called in Australia, Nissan GT-R R32. Coated by a crystal white exterior with the genuine aero kit, a driving style roaring a thick bass muffler sound would be beautiful to a bit fashionable older man but unlikely to a shabby older man like me. Your acknowledgement on Godzilla R32 as the final chapter of…

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Mercedes W113〜”User Shaken” at Hokuriku

Mercedes W113〜”User Shaken” at Hokuriku

来年2月に5回目の車検更新の時期を向えるが、今冬北陸は大雪との予報の中、そんな環境下で車検を受けるのは御免だし雪道走行は旧車にも良くない。熟慮?の末、早目に北陸でユーザー車検を受検することに。その顛末をお届けしよう。Pagoda needs to update the fifth renewal of the compulsory vehicle inspection by the authority (“User Shaken”) next February. This winter the Hokuriku district is predicted likely to have a heavy snowfall. The inspection in such a heavy snowfall is not beautiful and the driving on snowy roads would have adverse effects on the old cars itself. After due consideration, therefore, it is decided that the inspection should be taken on an earlier opportunity anywhere at Hokuriku. This is an…

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Studio Life〜Reform for Expansion

Studio Life〜Reform for Expansion

ガレージ入口通路が狭い。圧迫感を感じる。パゴダ車庫入れの際、壁ニアミスを数度経験。運良く車体にダメージは無かったが何れ顕在化する危機感を抱いている。何れは通路を拡張したい思いは以前からあったのだが、喫緊の課題となったのだ。金はないが暇と体力は未だ保持しているので、通路拡張に向けたDIYリフォームを決断。さてどうなることやら?The garage corridor is narrow, which forces to feel oppressed. Near miss accidents on the wall occurred several times when parking Pagoda in the garage. Fortunately, there were no damages made on the car, but a sense of crisis which will become apparent eventually remains unchanged bearing on my mind. While I wish to expand the corridor some day, it is turned out to be an imminent issue. Although a money available is very limited, I have plenty of time…

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Mercedes W113〜The Alternative Fuel Pump in Tandem

Mercedes W113〜The Alternative Fuel Pump in Tandem

Confrontation with an abnormal increase in the price of the genuine fuel pump encourages me to consider an alternative fuel pump system. While it would be crazy because it is not a right way in terms of the genuinist, it is a very rewarding challenge as to whether a durable permanent fuel pump system could be managed to establish. Now that this year’s mountaineering season is over, it is going to be my utmost pleasure in a lovely autumn!純正燃料ポンプの異常な価格高騰を受けて、邪道だと怒られそうだが、今回のトラブルを契機に代替燃料ポンプシステ厶の構築を検討する。やり甲斐のあるチャレンジだが、果たしてDurableなパーマネントシステムを実現できるだろうか?今年の山行シーズンを終えた今、唯一の愉しみだ!

Mercedes W113〜Oops! Fuel Pump Dilemma

Mercedes W113〜Oops! Fuel Pump Dilemma

10年振りでレッカーのお世話になる。月一の家系ラーメンを食いにガレージから暫く走ると、エンジンがブルブル震え始めアクセスを踏んでも回転数が上がらない。滔々田んぼ道でエンストする。キイをひねるがセルは回るもエンジンがかからない。狭い田んぼ道なので対向車の対応をしたり、近所の人々が物珍しく家から出てきて車の移動を手伝ってくれたり、飲み物を差し入れてくれたり、と整備どころでない。已む無くレッカー移動することになる。It would be in 10 years since Pagoda was towed last time. When Pagoda is in a while from the garage to eat the E.A.K. Ramen once a month as a routine, the engine commences to tremble and the tachometer does not increase even with the gas pedal on, Pagoda stalls on a paddy road finally. The engine never starts again any more. It is difficult to carry out a maintenance work in a narrow road, concurrently dealing with oncoming…

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Mercedes W113〜Starter Replacement

Mercedes W113〜Starter Replacement

The engine cannot be started by turning the ignition key with just one shot. When I turn the ignition key, it makes a click sound but the crank does not turn. After discharging and repeating the starting operation a few times, the engine could start, though being proud of enabling to start the engine by the one shot key ignition procedure. While I thought at first that it was a problem associated with the distributor, it seems to be found…

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Studio Life〜The Home Theater

Studio Life〜The Home Theater

The corridor, to some extent, would ensure the best environment for the home theater. While it accommodates only up to 100 inches of screen, it generates a dark environment even during daylight. The artificial turf ground produces an open-air atmosphere like an outdoor theater as well together with the best analog audio equipment in place. There is no unsophisticated one who does not vigorously pursue with establishment of the home theater in such an excellent environment. Kick off for realization!

Mercedes W113〜DIY Hardtop Winch Concluded

Mercedes W113〜DIY Hardtop Winch Concluded

After a relatively cool long spring season, Hokuriku gets warmer like early summer. It is about a time for an open driving. Being worried about the performance of the prototype developed last year, a hardtop lift trial is conducted. It is found as anticipated that the lifted hardtop is poorly balanced between its front and back while the lift-up. As the result through the trial and errors process made to improve it, the traditional Japanese product can finally sort out…

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