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Category: Godzilla R32

Godzilla R32〜Ultimately Impulse Buying on New Steering

Godzilla R32〜Ultimately Impulse Buying on New Steering

Godzillaに装着されているステアリングはMOMO製のDeep Cone 360mmである。本革は手に馴染んでいるがブルー色のスポークが気にいらず、純正の程度の良い中古の入手は難しかろうと何れパゴダ同様Nardi製クラシックウッドに変えたいと考えていた。日課の早朝散歩の足湯で寛いでいるとAmazonで異常な低価でNardiが販売されていることを見つけ、ついポチってしまう。The steering wheel installed in Godzilla is a MOMO Deep Cone type. The real leather is comfortable to my hand, but I do not like the blue colored spokes. Since I think that it would be difficult to get a real genuine one, I want to change the wheel to a Nardi classic wood one day, just like Pagoda. While relaxing in the foot bath during my daily early morning walk, I find Nardi on sale at Amazon…

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Studio Life~2022 New Year’s Eve

Studio Life~2022 New Year’s Eve

今年は3年振りに鎌倉の本宅でファミリー全員集合し総勢9人で年越しです。愚妻は食事の用意に忙殺され、愚娘息は悪ガキの面倒に掛りきりの一方、俺は何をしていいか分からず手持ち無沙汰でボーッとして回りからヒンシュクをかっています。大晦日恒例の今年の景勝地は観光客が戻ってきたスラムダンク踏切です。This year, for the first time in three years, the whole family get together at our home in Kamakura for the New Year’s Eve with nine people totally. The wife is busy preparing meals, the daughter and son are busy taking care of their kids. I am frowned by the family when I am bored out of my mind, not knowing what to do. The scenic spot for the New Year’s Eve is the Slam Dunk railroad crossing which is…

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Godzilla R32〜The Spare ECU

Godzilla R32〜The Spare ECU


Godzilla R32〜The Lubricant Renewal

Godzilla R32〜The Lubricant Renewal

Godzilla購入直後に行おうと思っていた潤滑油一式の交換を漸く実施する。交換作業は地元の日産ディーラーにて実施。All the lubricants which had been planned to conduct immediately after purchase are finally renewaled. The job is conducted by a local Nissan dealer.

Godzilla R32〜Over The Top Part 4

Godzilla R32〜Over The Top Part 4

北陸なんぞにはサーキット場なんかないと思っていたら福井県にありました。スピードリミッター解除の実証実験の為にサーキットを探していたんです。しかし、サーキットライセンスを持っていないので体験走行を試みようとするが、体験走行時の最大速度は高々60kmとの事。これでは話にならないので、スピードリミッター解除実証テストはお預けとし、RZ50ドライブがてらサーキット見学と周辺の観光に切り替える。Presuming that there are no circuits in Hokuriku district, it is found that there is one in Fukui prefecture. Due to having no circuit driving license, I would challenge with a trial run program and I learn that a maximum speed in the trial run is around 60km/h. With the trial run, therefore, it is not possible to fulfill with a verification test for the speed limiter. I make up my mind to go sightseeing tour around the circuit while…

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Godzilla R32〜The first “User Shaken”

Godzilla R32〜The first “User Shaken”

ゴジラ初車検をパゴダで勝手知ったテスター屋さんのある福井陸運局で受検。楽勝と思いきや、思いもよらぬ不具合箇所の指摘を受けて再検査となるも、結果オーライでホッとする。初物の車検は何が起こるか予想もつかず気が滅入りますね。The Godzilla’s first compulsory vehicle inspection by the authority (“User Shaken”) is conducted at Fukui Land Transport Bureau, where the nearby tester shop is very helpful for the user shaken learnt from Pagoda. It would be thought to be an easy task, however, the aftermarket parts without getting official permission are unexpectedly pointed out to be installed. The re-examination is inevitable upon replacement by the genuine arms. While a final outcome should be all right anyway, it is nasty for…

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Studio Life~2021 New Year’s Eve

Studio Life~2021 New Year’s Eve

クリスマスにかけての降雪の影響で年末恒例のツーリングに出かける機会を逸しました。中止とします。代わりに、年の瀬にExhaustの溶接でお世話になった整備工場で出会った旧車達をご紹介致します。では参りましょう!The year-end touring is canceled. I missed the opportunity to go out due to the snowfall beyond the Xmas. Thank you for your understanding. Instead, I wish to introduce classic cars that I met at the local car shop for rewelding cracks on the exhaust at the end of the year. Let’s go!

Godzilla R32〜Refreshing Aero Exterior

Godzilla R32〜Refreshing Aero Exterior

Consult Scan Tool作成中にサイドスポイラーに足をかけて脱落させてしまう。以前から集中すると見境がなくなってこういう失敗をよく起こす。尤も左側のサイドスポイラーが汚れていて何れ手を入れる必要性を認識していたのだが。空気が乾く秋は塗装の絶好の頃合い、気合を入れてメンテを始めよう。どんでん返しがあろうと思わず。レストアTier 3の始まりです。While concentrating on developing the Consult Scan Tool, my foot happens to hang on the side spoiler and make it fall off. Whenever I concentrate from before, I lose sight of myself and often make such mistakes. Since I am uncomfortable with the dirty left side, I am contemplating about maintenance on it. Autumn, in which the atmosphere is dry, is the suitable season for painting. I will commence maintenance of the spoiler. An unexpected final ending…

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iVDr〜Restated Versatile Dashboard Interface

iVDr〜Restated Versatile Dashboard Interface

GodzillaのConsult Scan Toolの開発が一段落したので次の懸案事項に移る。Nexus9の断捨離の為に、以前開発したAndroidソフト”Versatile Dashboard Interface”の移植を開始する。移植先はLenovo Tab4 8Plusとこれも余り使っていないTabletである。Since the development of the Godzilla’s Consult Scan Tool is concluded, I shall commence to transfer the Inhouse Android software “Versatile Dashboard Interface” developed for Nexus9 in past to another device. Nexu9 tablet is currently under the disposal process. The transferee is the Lenovo Tab4 8 Plus Tablet which I have not used much as well.