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Category: Analog Audio

Studio Life〜The Home Theater

Studio Life〜The Home Theater

The corridor, to some extent, would ensure the best environment for the home theater. While it accommodates only up to 100 inches of screen, it generates a dark environment even during daylight. The artificial turf ground produces an open-air atmosphere like an outdoor theater as well together with the best analog audio equipment in place. There is no unsophisticated one who does not vigorously pursue with establishment of the home theater in such an excellent environment. Kick off for realization!

Studio Life〜The Playground

Studio Life〜The Playground

The Japanese-style room is dismantled to accommodate a passage corridor from the public road to the garage, where a gravel floor corridor is a matter of my concern. Every time I stumble with sands on my feet at waking up for the midnight care, I realize strongly that I have to do something to improve the situation in an earliest opportunity. The improvement work is interrupted because it is extremely cold in the winter time due to the tin-plated garage….

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Analog Audio Revival~Yamaha B-3

Analog Audio Revival~Yamaha B-3


Analog Audio Revival~Digital TA2020 Board

Analog Audio Revival~Digital TA2020 Board

遅まきながら、以前オーディオマニアを席巻したデジタルキットを購入してみました。中華製でeBayで購入。円貨で2,200円位でしたが、この値段のアンプとは思えないほど高品質な音にAnalog Audio Fanも脱帽です。

Analog Audio Revival~Sony V-FET Pair

Analog Audio Revival~Sony V-FET Pair

娘に貸していたTA-4650が壊れたと戻ってきて、代わりにTA-5560を貸し出したのが1年前。その後ほったらかしにしていたが、漸く重い腰を上げてVFETをチェック。何と全滅でした。 🙁 

Analog Audio Revival~Yamaha C-2X

Analog Audio Revival~Yamaha C-2X


Analog Audio Revival~Lo-D HMA9500MKII②

Analog Audio Revival~Lo-D HMA9500MKII②




会社帰りに大丸東京店に立ち寄った時、何気なく発見。 今迄秋葉原まで足をのばしていたが大都会に進出とは吃驚。黄金期のアナログオーディオがそれほど人気があると思われないが、ファンとしては大歓迎!